[Salon] Time for Robert F. Kennedy Jr to drop out of the race

(91) Time for Robert F. Kennedy Jr to drop out of the race (substack.com)

Time for Robert F. Kennedy to drop out of the race

This website is dedicated to analysis of international affairs with a concentration on Russia, the subject of my special expertise. It is not my aim to get involved in partisan politics in the United States, or in Europe for that matter, except as may be necessary to find solutions to the crisis in relations with Russia that, on its present course, is leading us to mutual annihilation in the very near future. This has led me, somewhat reluctantly, to use this platform to promote the candidacy for the presidency of Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance.

Yes, Genocide Joe has just announced his withdrawal from the presidential race. But his designated successor, Kamela Harris, who is likely to be approved as their candidate by the upcoming Democratic National Convention in August, will merely be a continuation of the policies leading us to destruction, since she is as incompetent as Joe, though for different reasons, and will be as malleable a tool of the Neocon-driven Deep State as he has been. Her position in government was determined strictly by the box ticking of the kingmakers in the Democratic Party organization.  Black? Check. Southeast Asian? Check.  Woman? Check.  Her merits begin and end there as anyone who has listened to her public speaking would understand instantly.

Nonetheless, with enough funding and party organization mobilized behind her, Kamela Harris is said to have even chances of being elected in a race against Donald Trump. This means that every obstacle on the way to Trump’s victory must be removed wherever possible.  One such obstacle is the continuing candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who will drain votes away from both the Democratic and Republican parties in proportions that are today unforeseeable.

For the reasons I set out in the first sentence above, I have not used this platform to promote RFK’s candidacy, though I made some small contributions to his fund-raising appeals over the past couple of months and offered my services to him as a volunteer. To those who will object, saying that RFK has carried into his campaign some political baggage which they cannot abide, especially his contested views on vaccinations and COVID, I say again that you have to choose your battles carefully and that no single candidate or even all of them put together will ever meet with your full endorsement.

I now call for RFK to do the honorable thing for the sake of the country and withdraw from the race, preferably at the same time urging his followers to cast their ballots for Trump.  It would be very nice if that were done within the scope of an agreement with Donald that assured RFK an appropriate and powerful position in the Trump administration. I humbly submit that such an appointment could be as replacement for John Kerry as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate or Secretary of the Interior. Unlike our host of environmentalists, RFK actually achieved something of great importance by his efforts to clean up the Hudson River over the course of a couple of decades by pursuing lawsuits and political pressure against the most egregious polluters. He deserves our full respect and empowerment to continue this work in a Trump administration.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024

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